Is affiliated with career organizations in major cities across the US for the purpose of sharing resources; career information; employer information; and other services. These firms are also committed to providing the highest level of career transition and advancement services to mid-level and senior level professionals. BCS understands the importance of maintaining the highest standards to our clients.
This partnership of career professionals allows us to exchange ideas, share services and pool technical resources enabling us to provide the most advanced career services to our clients. Not a partner? If you are an executive recruiting/career professional, and want to partner with us, please contact us at admin@bcskansascity.com.
The standards for the BCS staff are high. Our team comes from a variety of professional disciplines; and has over a decade of experience in the career industry. Our standards include: A proven track record of individual success; at least 15 years of senior level experience; completion of a comprehensive training program; and consistent positive results for the employers and executive talent we serve.
Technology can make a significant impact on your search’s success. A successful search with a shortened time cycle belongs to those who use superior business intelligence. BCS continually seeks out the most complete and up to date business intelligence available. Those who do not use or maximize their use of this type of information are finding it increasingly more difficult to find new talent and new career opportunities.
Since career transition sometimes requires relocation, BCS maintains relationships with other career professionals throughout the US, which affords us ability to transfer clients from one location to another. Some restrictions and transfer fees may apply.
Companies who hired our talented professionals and executives: